

package dynamodb

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class DynamoDBJournalProps(journalTable: String, eventSourcedApp: String, key: String, secret: String, operationTimeout: Timeout = ..., replayOperationTimeout: Timeout = ..., counterShards: Int = 10000, factory: Option[ActorRefFactory] = scala.None, dynamoEndpoint: String = "", name: Option[String] = scala.None, dispatcherName: Option[String] = scala.None, snapshotPath: Path = ..., snapshotSerializer: SnapshotSerializer = ..., snapshotLoadTimeout: FiniteDuration = ..., snapshotSaveTimeout: FiniteDuration = ..., snapshotFilesystem: FileSystem = ..., readOnly: Boolean = false) extends JournalProps with HadoopFilesystemSnapshottingProps[DynamoDBJournalProps] with Product with Serializable

    CounterShards should be set to at least a 10x multiple of the expected throughput of the journal during the lifetime of a journal the counterShards can only be increased.

Value Members

  1. object DynamoDBJournalProps extends Serializable
