

package core

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  2. AnyRef
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Type Members

  1. trait Behavior extends Actor

    Allows actors with a stackable org.eligosource.eventsourced.core.Receiver, org.eligosource.eventsourced.core.Emitter and/or org.eligosource.eventsourced.core.Eventsourced modification to change their behavior with become() and unbecome() without loosing the functionality implemented by these traits.

  2. trait Channel extends Actor

    A channel keeps track of successfully delivered event org.eligosource.eventsourced.core.Messages.

  3. trait ChannelProps extends AnyRef

    Channel configuration object.

  4. trait Confirm extends Actor

    Stackable modification for actors that want to automatically confirm the receipt of an event org.eligosource.eventsourced.core.Message from a org.eligosource.eventsourced.core.Channel.

  5. case class Confirmation(processorId: Int, channelId: Int, sequenceNr: Long, positive: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

    Confirmation message, generated by channel destinations when confirming a message receipt (by calling Message.confirm(Boolean)).

  6. case class ConfirmationTimeout(sequenceNr: Long) extends Product with Serializable

    Confirmation timeout message.

  7. class DefaultChannel extends Channel

    A transient channel that sends event org.eligosource.eventsourced.core.Messages to destination.

  8. case class DefaultChannelProps(id: Int, destination: ActorRef, name: Option[String] = scala.None, dispatcherName: Option[String] = scala.None) extends ChannelProps with Product with Serializable

    org.eligosource.eventsourced.core.DefaultChannel configuration object.

  9. case class DeliveryStopped(channelId: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    Channel event that is published when a reliable channel (identified by channelId) stops event message delivery.

  10. trait Emitter extends Receiver

    Stackable modification for actors to provide convenient access to registered org.eligosource.eventsourced.core.Channels and to emit event org.eligosource.eventsourced.core.Messages to these channels.

  11. trait Eventsourced extends Behavior

    Stackable modification for making an actor persistent via event-sourcing (or command-sourcing).

  12. class EventsourcingExtension extends Extension

    Event-sourcing extension for Akka.

  13. class InvalidChannelIdException extends RuntimeException

    Thrown when a channel is registered with an id < 1.

  14. class InvalidProcessorIdException extends RuntimeException

    Thrown when a processor is registered with an id < 1.

  15. case class Message(event: Any, sequenceNr: Long = 0L, timestamp: Long = 0L, processorId: Int = 0, acks: Seq[Int] = immutable.this.Nil, ack: Boolean = true, senderRef: ActorRef = null, confirmationTarget: ActorRef = null, confirmationPrototype: Confirmation = null) extends Product with Serializable

    A message for communicating application events.

  16. class MessageEmitter extends AnyRef

    Message emitter for emitting event org.eligosource.eventsourced.core.Messages to a org.eligosource.eventsourced.core.Channel.

  17. class MessageEmitterFactory extends AnyRef

    Factory for creating org.eligosource.eventsourced.core.MessageEmitters for a certain org.eligosource.eventsourced.core.Channel.

  18. class Multicast extends Actor

    An org.eligosource.eventsourced.core.Eventsourced processor that forwards received event org.eligosource.eventsourced.core.Messages to targets (together with the sender reference).

  19. case class ProcessorProps(id: Int, processorFactory: (Int) ⇒ Actor with Eventsourced, name: Option[String] = scala.None, dispatcherName: Option[String] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

    org.eligosource.eventsourced.core.Eventsourced processor configuration object.

  20. trait Receiver extends Behavior

    Stackable modification for actors to extract the event from a received event org.eligosource.eventsourced.core.Message and calling the modified actor's receive method with that event.

  21. case class RedeliveryPolicy(confirmationTimeout: FiniteDuration, restartDelay: FiniteDuration, restartMax: Int, redeliveryDelay: FiniteDuration, redeliveryMax: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    Redelivery policy for a org.eligosource.eventsourced.core.ReliableChannel.

  22. class ReliableChannel extends Channel

    A persistent channel that sends event org.eligosource.eventsourced.core.Messages to destination.

  23. case class ReliableChannelProps(id: Int, destination: ActorRef, policy: RedeliveryPolicy = RedeliveryPolicy.apply(), name: Option[String] = scala.None, dispatcherName: Option[String] = scala.None) extends ChannelProps with Product with Serializable

    org.eligosource.eventsourced.core.ReliableChannel configuration object.

  24. sealed abstract class ReplayParams extends AnyRef

    Processor-specific replay parameters.

  25. trait Sequencer extends Actor

    Stackable modification for actors that need to receive a re-sequenced message stream.

  26. case class Snapshot(processorId: Int, sequenceNr: Long, timestamp: Long, state: Any) extends SnapshotMetadata with Product with Serializable

    Snapshot of processor state.

  27. trait SnapshotMetadata extends AnyRef

    Snapshot metadata.

  28. class SnapshotNotSupportedException extends RuntimeException with Serializable

    Failure reply to a snapshot capturing request.

  29. case class SnapshotOffer(snapshot: Snapshot) extends Product with Serializable

    Offers a snapshot to a processor during replay.

  30. case class SnapshotRequest(processorId: Int, sequenceNr: Long, requestor: ActorRef) extends Product with Serializable

    Requests a snapshot capturing action from an org.eligosource.eventsourced.core.Eventsourced processor.

  31. case class SnapshotSaved(processorId: Int, sequenceNr: Long, timestamp: Long) extends SnapshotMetadata with Product with Serializable

    Success reply to a snapshot capturing request.

  32. abstract class UntypedActorSupport extends Actor

    Java API.

  33. abstract class UntypedConfirmingActor extends UntypedActorSupport with Confirm

    Java API.

  34. abstract class UntypedConfirmingReceiver extends UntypedReceiver with Confirm

    Java API.

  35. abstract class UntypedEmitter extends UntypedActorSupport with Emitter

    Java API.

  36. abstract class UntypedEventsourcedActor extends UntypedActorSupport with Eventsourced

    Java API.

  37. abstract class UntypedEventsourcedConfirmingReceiver extends UntypedConfirmingReceiver with Eventsourced

    Java API.

  38. abstract class UntypedEventsourcedEmitter extends UntypedEmitter with Eventsourced

    Java API.

  39. abstract class UntypedEventsourcedReceiver extends UntypedReceiver with Eventsourced

    Java API.

  40. abstract class UntypedReceiver extends UntypedActorSupport with Receiver

    Java API.

Value Members

  1. object DefaultChannelProps extends Serializable

  2. object Deliver extends Product with Serializable

    Channel command for starting delivery of pending event messages.

  3. object EventsourcingExtension extends ExtensionId[EventsourcingExtension] with ExtensionIdProvider

  4. object Journal

    Only exists for backwards compatibility.

  5. object JournalProtocol

    Defines message types that can be processed by a journal actor.

  6. object Message extends Serializable

  7. object ProcessorProps extends Serializable

  8. object RedeliveryPolicy extends Serializable

  9. object ReliableChannelProps extends Serializable

  10. object ReplayParams

  11. object SnapshotRequest extends Serializable

    Command for requesting a snapshot capturing action from a processor.

  12. def actor(actor: ⇒ Actor, name: Option[String] = None, dispatcherName: Option[String] = None)(implicit actorRefFactory: ActorRefFactory): ActorRef

    Instantiates, configures and returns a actor.

    Instantiates, configures and returns a actor.


    actor factory.


    optional name of the actor in the underlying actor system.


    optional dispatcher name.

    Exceptions thrown

    if name is defined and already in use in the underlying actor system.

  13. def decorator(processorId: Int, target: ActorRef, transformer: (Message) ⇒ Any = identity): Actor with Eventsourced

    Returns a org.eligosource.eventsourced.core.Multicast processor with a single target.

    Returns a org.eligosource.eventsourced.core.Multicast processor with a single target. Useful in situations are actors cannot be modified with the stackable org.eligosource.eventsourced.core.Eventsourced trait e.g. because the actor's receive method is declared final.


    processor id.


    single multicast target.


    function applied to received event org.eligosource.eventsourced.core.Messages before they are forwarded to target.

  14. def multicast(processorId: Int, targets: Seq[ActorRef], transformer: (Message) ⇒ Any = identity): Actor with Eventsourced

    Returns a org.eligosource.eventsourced.core.Multicast processor.


    processor id.


    multicast targets.


    function applied to received event org.eligosource.eventsourced.core.Messages before they are forwarded to targets.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
